Friday, January 3, 2020

Importance Of Social Work On India - 2032 Words

IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION IN INDIA ___________________________________________________________________________ R.Mayamurugan, R.Rajesh kanna, Lecturer, Ph.D,Scholar, Dept.of Economics, The New College, Alagappa University, Chennai. .TamilNadu. Evening College, Thondi,Ramnad Dist, TamilNadu. ___________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The social work profession provides humane and effective social services to individuals, families, groups and communities for the purpose of enhancing social functioning and the quality of life for all people. Social workers work in a variety of settings, locally, nationally, and internationally, for example, in hospitals, public and private social service agencies and schools. They provide services in areas such as health, mental health and child welfare. The roles of professional social workers vary depending on the agency with which they are employed and the type of position they hold; however, typical duties might include intake, assessment, intervention, case management, group work, outreach,advocacy, counseling, community planning and organizing. In India, professional social work origin to a short-term training course on social service organized by the social service league at Bombay. The training course included those men and women who were willing toShow Mor eRelatedRole Of Women And Women s Empowerment1093 Words   |  5 PagesReserved 177 Role of women empowerment in economic growth in India Dr. kirti shrivas (Asst. professor)Dept. of Commerce, govt. college abhanpur Abstract :Women’s empowerment defined as improving the ability of women to access the constituents of development in particular health, education, earning opportunities, rights and political participations. 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