Sunday, November 3, 2019

Select an ebusiness company (regional or international) and prepare a Essay

Select an ebusiness company (regional or international) and prepare a case study about what makes it special (you may want to re - Essay Example These retail firms like Amazon are countering the sale and purchase of large number of products pertaining to different categories through its internet sphere. In fact, the emergence of these online retail firms has changed the way through which the people generally make purchases and sales. People started becoming more accustomed to the virtual sphere where they were presented with a huge variety of options of many commodities belonging to different categories. Further the online retail firms like Amazon started intensifying their product portfolio through the activities of mergers and acquisitions and presented to the customers quality products at cheap and affordable prices. Further the study of Amazon is also conducted based on the twelve new principles brought out for the emerging internet economy by Kelvin Kelly. The activities of Amazon is also closely monitored against the practices of its several competitors like EBay in the online retail market and other physical dealers of books and compact discs like Waterstone’s Book company. Such close monitoring would help to understand the effects and potency of Amazon’s strategic initiatives taken to rule the online retail market. ... also earned fame for being the selling agent of a large number of popular retail firms belonging to various sectors. The company puts increased focus to gather a huge market share and also to augment its profitability position. commenced its pioneering work from the period of 1990 owing to the mass scale development and spread of internet user in both domestic and commercial purposes. The advancement of internet helped many companies to conduct sales and purchase activities among a large number of customers on a worldwide basis via the web sphere. In this context, Jeff Bezos came out with an amazing business plan during 1994 which later shaped into to venture into the sphere of online retailing. In the initial years the company mainly highlighted on the selling of books, videos, compact discs, and other computer peripherals and accessories through the online sphere. The company focusing on the sales of books, compact discs, videos and other stuffs str essed on providing the customers with products with a low price range that would help in mass market penetration in lesser time periods. earned a huge popularity within a short period in this direction for the quick delivery of orders placed with it. The company through a large database of publishers and wholesalers helped in faster dispatch of ordered books and materials. Furthermore the company by offering discounts on various categories created a further interest in the consumer’s mind to make purchases through its website. The company also focused to enhance it customer relationship activities through encouraging them in making recommendations, and providing other services like generating information about new

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